The Kirklees Business Conference is just one week away.

Kirklees Business Conference
Held by the Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, the conference allows businesses to come together and interact with one another in order to build a stronger commercial community. When it comes down to it, the business conference is much like the ultimate networking event; the difference being, instead of everyone standing around having a chat, each business has their own stand, a space they can use however they want to engage with fellow businesses and even potential clients.
So the real question is: “why would I spend a day meeting and greeting when I could be working on my ever-growing ‘to do list’? Read on to find the answers.
Generation of referrals and increased business
Probably the most obvious one to begin with, but building a relationship with other businesses is possibly the best way to get recommended by them to their network, or even convert them into a client. The added benefit of this is, as you’ve already had the opportunity to have a chat and get to know each other’s business, you will know from the start that the services you have to offer will be appropriate and to the expected standard.
As the old saying goes, “It’s not what you know, but who you know”, and this is never more true than in business. Being able to scratch each other’s backs, being able to call in a favour, or even just someone who can provide expert advice is something you can’t value enough.
Not only this but each connection will already have their own repertoire of connections that you can tap into to increase your own, so the benefits of networking increases with each connection.
Getting noticed
Having a presence and raising your profile is a huge bonus of the business conference; suddenly you’re not a business that no one’s heard about, but the go-to when something comes up which your business can assist with.
Another massive benefit is the ability to find more opportunities, be it a joint business venture, PR opportunities, client leads or business and asset sales, being able to expose yourself to enough allows you to pick and choose those that are aligned with your business goals.
Kirklees MY Conference takes place on Wednesday 16th March at the John Smith’s Stadium, 08:45 – 16:00 and is FREE to attend as a delegate. It involves over 45 exhibitors, 8 speakers and a panel discussion, so really isn’t one to be missed.
Our stand is number 34! Come and say hello!
You can book a place here or follow @MyBizConfs for the latest updates on the conference.