Once again Facebook have decided to make changes to the functionality of their website, this time, to how pages are used.
Previously users were able to click the little triangle next to their privacy shortcuts and under ‘use Facebook as:’, select the page they wished to represent. This would essentially treat that page as it would your regular account, allowing you to comment and post as that page.
Upon returning to your home feed (by pressing the Facebook logo) you’d be welcomed with your familiar feed, but populated by content related to the page that you were currently representing.
This was great for networking, as your page and for gaining leverage on the audience of pages similar to your own, allowing you reach a wider circle on an audience which you know is ideal for yourself to target.
For example, one of the pages above is a non-profit page on eco living, if that were your page, you may wish to post and interact around vegetarian groups or groups about organic food. This would potentially get your page new likes and mutual followers with the targeted pages.
Things are slightly different now, whilst the final result is nearly identical, the way to achieve it is a bit more complicated and takes a bit of getting used to.
Method #1
If you’re only managing a single page, and that page is aligned with your own personal interests, you may wish to head over to the Pages Feed, found in the left hand sidebar.
This brings you to a page showing you all the pages you’ve liked on your personal account, as opposed to having liked as your page. You can still comment and like as your pages by clicking the little profile picture next to the comments and shares, and selecting the account that you wish to use.
You’ll notice that this changes your profile picture to that of the active account; though it is worth noting that this only changes the account for that instance, so make sure you’re interacting as the intended account with each interaction.
Note that this method only works if you’ve already liked the page, you’ll need to like more to populate this list.
Method #2
If you have specific page in mind to interact with, you can search for them specifically, as you would if you were going to like a page on your personal account. When you go to post or comment, just click on that little profile photo and switch it the intended page. Simple.
This is great if you wish to interact with a page with a type of audience, for example, the page Free Range Humans (who have 42 followers) posted a comment on a post by the Humane League (who have 115k followers), resulting in a much higher engagement and boosting their follower count.
Method #3
If you head on over to your page, down the left hand side, you’ll notice that there’s a link titled “View Pages Feed”
This will take you to a page that is a feed specifically populated with content from pages you’ve liked as your page. Pre-update, this was pages you’ve hit the like button on, whilst browsing as your page, though to continue to populate that page, you have to do things slightly differently.
Firstly, you’re going to want to hit that big green ‘Like Other Pages’ button at the top.
You’ll then be shown this following popup, enabling you to type in the name of the page you wish to like; for this reason, it might be best to have another window open to find the names of the pages you are interested in.
Hit save, and you’re done. That page will then be liked by yours, (separately from your personal profile), and the Pages Feed will be populated with those posts, allowing you like, comment and share specifically as your page, by default. Incidentally, if you do see a post that would be appropriate on another page, or your personal profile, you can click that little profile picture, and interact as any of your pages as a one-time instance.
We know it’s vastly more complicated, but that’s often the case whenever Facebook changes its functionality, once we’re used to it, I’m sure it’ll be hard to remember how it worked beforehand. Everyone complained about having Timelines instead of the traditional Profiles, now it’s all we’re used to.
Hopefully now you can get into being a page-browsing pro.