The world of social media is ever changing so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends. Here are some social media tips to make your business stand out and get ahead in the digital world.
1.Post at a certain time of day
Research shows that the best times to post on various platforms varies however recent data analysis found the optimum times are :-
Facebook 6 to 8am
2 to 5pm
Twitter 1 to 3pm
Google+ 9 to 11am
Linked In 7 to 8.30am
5 to 6pm
Pinterest 2 to 4pm
8 to 11pm
Instagram 5pm to 6pm
Schedule your posts in advance or use software such as Hootsuite for managing your posts at different times of the day.
2.Set the right image/look for your business
Don’t forget your avatar/profile picture is often the first thing people see. It should therefore look professional while also representing you or your brand. Also each of your social media pages should have similar background and banner images to show your consistent image/branding.
3.Send the right message to the right platform.
Each of the social media platforms serve a different purpose and draws a different audience. Understanding this can make your marketing efforts go more smoothly. For example, you wouldn’t want to promote a legal firm on Instagram or Pinterest.
Evan LePage, a writer for Hootsuite, explains that Twitter users enjoy a post more if a picture has been attached, Facebook users also appreciate photos and hate asking for likes and Google+ followers are keen brand ambassadors. Females tend to be on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook whereas men prefer to Twitter and Google+ more.
Don’t forget your #hashtags for Twitter and Google+.
4. Engage with your audience
Once you have gone to the trouble of setting up you social media site make sure you respond to interaction from your followers. In this world of 24/7 social media it’s necessary to respond quickly. For example – with Twitter respond as fast as possible and at least within a working day on the other platforms. So be social and engage with other human beings – it’s fun and can often lead to more business.
5.Study, follow and copy trends in social media
The internet is constantly evolving so always try to keep ahead of the game by studying, following and copying online trends – monitor your competitors and other large global brands too.
Recent updates in several major social media platforms have made adding images to your content and posts quicker and easier to do.
For more information on social media please contact the hellomint Marketing team at or call Nicola on 07792 006055.