4 tips for social media success on your e-commerce website

laptop-1205256_1920Social media is now an integral part of almost every customer’s shopping habits, yet many businesses are still failing to turn their social presence into profits. Shockingly, only 12 per cent of businesses feel that they are using social media effectively.

This may be due to a lack of clear strategy or focus for campaigns or simply a lack of understanding for each channel. Before designing a comprehensive strategy to leverage your presence, you should contemplate whether social media is a worthwhile investment for your business.

You should also understand that social media isn’t only for direct sales but an opportunity to extend your customer services, build brand awareness, improve customer engagement and gain an insight into your customers interests. Indirectly, these factors will inevitably increase sales.

So how can you develop a successful strategy for your e-commerce website?


  1. Engage, engage, engage

Social media needs to be built into every aspect of your website. Provide easy social sharing buttons on every page, provide a simple review page and opportunities to showcase your products. Your customers are your best brand advocates.


  1. Don’t oversell

It’s called ‘social’ for a reason. While sharing offers and sales is great, these types of posts should only make up around 20% of your content. Instead, look to engage your audience through competitions, common interests and tips.


  1. Get creative

Across all social channels, photographs possess the highest engagement opportunity. Photo sites such as Pinterest and Instagram are perfect for fashion or home e-commerce sites, however it is not limited to these types of businesses. With a bit of creative thinking, any brand can create visually appealing content.

Don’t forget, reposting an image from a consumer using your product not only engages new customers but strengthens your relationship with existing customers.


  1. Keep improving

The great thing about social media marketing campaigns is that they are measurable. You can easily measure the performance of campaigns to find out what time you should post, what posts are popular and what posts have the most engagement. You can continue to measure this on a monthly basis in order to grow your following.



Article source: www.huffingtonpost.com

Image source: www.pixabay.com
