Your customers are already talking about you. Don’t you want to talk back?

Social media for business has become an essential tool for connecting and engaging with new and prospective customers. But why? How does it work? What social media should you use? Common questions for any business looking to expand its marketing reach into the realms of Facebook, Twitter and beyond.


We all know that the best form of marketing is, word of mouth. You are more likely to buy a product from a company based on a recommendation from someone you know. That is why social media for business is critical. People who use social media are likely to tweet or comment about a purchase if they are happy or unhappy with it. We’ve all done it at some point; eating out, buying new clothes, the list goes on. If they’re happy? Publicly thank them. If they’re not happy publicly? Apologise and put things right. Many customers have been won over by companies responding to social media complaints.


Facebook now has more than 1 Billion active users. That’s one large audience. Facebook is all about connecting people. This includes connecting people with brands and companies.


Strategy is key. It is important that before you dive into social media you fully understand your customer and what you want to achieve by being active on social media platforms.


Do you want to;

  • Grow sales?
  • Connect with new customers?
  • Connect with existing customers?
  • Entertain people?
  • Inform people?


Answer these questions and you will find it easier to grow your audience.

There are many specialised companies that can help you with your social media marketing campaign if you are not sure where to start. Search their social media and look at their reviews to help you find a company that’s a good fit for you and your company.



